Lessons on Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector
Nonprofits have a bad rep when it comes to professional development and career growth. It’s a source of frustration for many young professionals in the sector. Having experienced their own challenges throughout their careers, Trista Harris and Rosetta Thurman published Nonprofit Rockstar: 50 Ways to Accelerate Your Career to help the next generation of nonprofit leaders.
This past weekend they facilitated the Nonprofit Rockstar Leadership Intensive in DC to provide participants with the opportunity to hear from leaders in the sector and reflect on their professional growth.
This three-day event was packed with engaging sessions, interesting speakers, and interactive activities, all organized based on the six segments of their book: Practice Authentic Leadership, Plan for Balance, Develop Valuable Expertise, Establish a Great Personal Brand, Build a Strong Network, and Move On Up
There were three sessions from which I gained the most insight. Check out my latest post on the ProInspire blog to read what I learned about Practicing Authentic Leadership, Developing Valuable Expertise and Establishing a Great Personal Brand.