Silencing the Nasty Little Bitch in My Head

I first started blogging in 2011. I distinctly remember the fear I felt when I hit publish on my first blog post, terrified of having my thoughts and ideas put out for the entire world to see (and thereby criticize). But I was committed to doing it anyway because I was committed to personal growth, not to mention being tired of letting fear silence me.

6 years and a far more confident woman later, I find myself in a similar position. While my fear might not be using my voice it has evolved into a fear of not having anything important or smart enough to say.

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Newsletters I can’t live without

I’m an avid reader, and over the past year I’ve discovered the magic of newsletters in helping me discover the best content on the topics I care about. With the launch of my own newsletter, Above the Bottom Line, my subscriptions have become even more indispensable because they help me keep up with content that my own readers might find interesting.

Since I’m often asked what I read, here are the best newsletters I’ve discovered across the internet…

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Where do companies stand on the issues you most care about?

Muslim Ban. #NoDAPL. Refugees. #BlackLivesMatter. North Carolina’s “Bathroom Bill.” And on. And on. It’s depressing.

I’ve been following the news, more closely than ever before, particularly when it comes to social justice issues. And as someone who’s passionate about the social responsibility of business, I’m constantly wondering what companies are saying and doing in response.

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Nikita T. MitchellComment
Reflecting on 2016

To know me is to know my love for planning. I love setting goals, crushing them and reflecting on them. And while January is not the only time of the year I set aside to do this, it’s by far my favorite time of the year to pause and set new intentions.

This year, I put much more time and effort behind it than I ever have before. I could say it’s because I’m growing and learning what works best for me over time, but if I’m honest, it’s really because 2016 was the first year in a long time that I wasn’t able to achieve major goals I set for myself. By December I was carrying around so much disappointment and frustration that I knew I wouldn’t be able to move forward until I spent meaningful time working through it and shifting my mindset.

So these past two weeks I’ve been deep in reflection, specifically shifting my focus from what didn’t work out in 2016 to what I was able to accomplish.

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